Wednesday, March 16, 2011

FOs and WIPs

Alright, since I last posted about the semester-long shawl project in September, it seems that I have gotten a lot of other stuff started and finished and haven't really worked on the shawl all that much. My only consolation is that I at least started it--my mom didn't even cast on for mine :( But, I know that that is something that I will get done once I am done with school--I have had very little time and/or patience to just sit with no sounds around me and knit for a good solid chunk of time. I've been sticking to less complicated items that I can knit while watching something on tv or hanging out with my friends.

So let's discuss FOs first. There have been quite a lot of accomplishments in the FO category (not as many as I would have hoped, but whatev), including my first sweater, my first cardigan, and a pair of convertible mittens!

I can partly attribute this fountain of FOs to my discovery of the Harry Potter Knit and Crochet House Cup (HPKCHC) group on Rav--it's SO AWESOME. There are classes every month and you can get sorted into a house and knit, crochet, dye, or spin up something related to the assignment! unfortunately, the first term I found it during had already started, and I stupidly missed the sorting for this term, but I have been playing as a Not Quite First Year (NQFY) and it's been fun, even though I haven't been able to earn any points.

So, a bulleted list of FOs will follow, with picture highlights of some of my favorites, and Rav pattern pages linked. :)

Whew, that's a TON of FOs. But that's what I've been working on for the past 6 1/2 months, so I guess it's not that many.

As for WIPs:

  • The second sock in a pair of Vinnland Socks
  • A pair of Ken Gloves to match the large earflaps hat for my sister's guy friend
  • A semi-adult-sized Baby Chalice Blanket for my roomie
  • Annnd the Freya Shawl for my mom, which I haven't worked on for at least 5 months.
So for now, I've been trying to get rid of the WIPs that have been hanging around for weeks so that I can get them out of the way and start a whole new round of fun-a-licious projects! :)

I am currently obsessed with sweaters and colorwork, so I hope to start some projects like that after I get my WIPs done! :)