Thursday, September 9, 2010

Semester-long Shawl Project

So my mom and I have decided to knit shawls for each other during this Fall semester. We each picked out a pattern we liked and a color yarn, and I just got the stuff for hers in the mail! It's Knit Picks Palette, in Chicory, which is a really bright blue. I think it will go well with the pattern, which is the Freya Shawl. I am finishing up a pair of socks for my sister at the moment, however, and really trying to resist from just dropping them and casting on for the shawl immediately. I already have about five pairs of socks on needles right now, and have for a really long time, but I have decided that realistically, I will finish my sister's socks, then cast on and knit the shawl, and then finish the other socks.

I am excited--I've never really done a lace pattern before, so I'm interested in how it will work for me. I've never knit a shawl, either, so all in all, I'm just very restless to get it started! :D

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