Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Irish things!

So I was browsing Ravelry a few days ago, and I can't remember where I discovered them, but I found my next projects! Since I haven't gotten around to ordering anything off the internet, I decided that I needed some other projects. I made a pair of Fetching and a mug cozy since I've been back at school, but that's it, and pretty much the only things on my queue that can be made with yarn from Wal-Mart or Joann's. So when I found these patterns, I decided to push them to the top of my queue!
They are the Irish Hiking Scarf and the matching Irish Hiking Wrist Warmers. I saw a bunch of people using Caron Simply Soft, and one in particular used a Brites colorway called Blue Mint. So I decided to be a copy cat and went out and purchased three skeins of Caron Simply Soft Brites in Blue Mint, as well as a pair of *bamboo* single points, size 7US. My first bamboos!! I am so excited to use them for the wrist warmers; I absolutely ADORE bamboo needles. They are by far my favorite. thing. ever.
So last night, I cast on for the scarf, while watching No Country for Old Men with a few friends. I'm reading the book for a class, so I had wanted to see the movie, too. The pattern for this scarf is really easy--it took me a few rows to get back into the swing of knitting straight again (I've been knitting in the round forever, I can't remember the last project I did with single pointed needles), but now that I have, it's turning out to be a really easy knit.
I've been doing the cables without a cable needle (this is because the last project I did with cables when I used a Brittany cable needle borrowed from my mom and then lost it on the car ride back to school somehow, which made me feel really bad), so no extra needle to have to look after. The only thing I needed to worry about was when to put in the cable row--which is easily solved with the use of a kacha-kacha.
I'm trying to be better about keeping my hands off my knitting when I have due dates looming, so I stopped knitting when the movie was over--it's really a challenge. My fingers are itching to knit! haha.

So anyway, I'm excited about finishing my Irish things. They are going to be so pretty! It makes me wish that I had a black coat so that I wouldn't clash all my knit winter-outdoors accessories with my sky blue jacket, haha.

Oh, and if anyone reads this who procrastinates by knitting, I created a group called Procrastiknitters, so you should totally join! ;)

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