Monday, February 18, 2008

Knitting standstill...

This is awful. I don't have anything to knit! I am working on another pair of Knucks, but once you knit something, it gets a bit boring to do the same project over again with the exact same yarn, etc. So I've been working on the 2nd pair on and off, but I am itching to find more yarn to start another of the projects on my Ravelry queue. The next on the list is the Sesame sweater, but I'm not getting that yarn until I get home next week, and I don't think I'm going to start it there, just because I don't want to travel with it as a WIP. So after that on the list is a pair of Snicket Socks, which is good for a next project, but I have a problem. That problem is that I don't have any fingering weight yarn. I also don't have anywhere to get any at the moment, because the closest LYS is in another state (Granted, it is only about 30 minutes away, but as I don't have a car, I don't think my friend that has a car would bring me there for yarn, haha.). Sooo I guess I'll just have to wait until break, because I was talking to my mom the other day, and she told me that one of the yarn stores near my hometown closed recently, but also that another one just opened, and that she'd take a day off from work while I am home for break & we can have a road trip to the LYS (although it doesn't really turn out to be the L part, as it's about 1 hour away). So maybe while I'm there I can stock up on some various fingering weight yarns, because almost all of the socks on my queue call for that weight. Hmm...I don't think I've ever actually gone to a yarn shop looking specifically for yarn for a certain project--normally I just pick out the yarn & then decide what to make out of it. Either way, it'll be fun!
I should also pick up a set of 1US and 2US dpns, because, again, most of the socks in my queue are knitted on those sizes. So I think a new pair of socks will be good for over break, and when I return to school, I can start my Sesame!! (because hopefully I will have gotten the yarn I need for that while I'm at home!)

...Thank goodness I have a fiber addict as a mom; she openly and freely encourages me to feed my need for yarn by buying lots for me! *evil grin*

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A solution to pilling

I had no idea that there were little devices out there that get rid of pills, fuzz, and other annoying things on knitted objects. Sweater shavers!

I need to get one. :-)


Maybe Swish DK will work? It's superwash, so that'll be the best of both--not shiny and washable. Need to find out if it pills, though.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Possible Sesame in the Future...

Up until now, I've been doing lots and lots of small projects. I love knitting socks, and I just finished my first pair of Knucks about a half hour ago, but I want to break out and do bigger and more courageous things--I want to make a sweater!

So, I looked around online for a pattern, and came up with three that I want to make. Two from Magknits--Sesame and Basic Black, and one from I wasn't really sure about how to decide which one to start with, and didn't really have anyone around here to ask, as my knitting guru (aka Mom) is 5 hours away, and I haven't really discussed it with her in detail. So, I decided to see what my fellow knitters from the LiveJournal Knitting! community had to say about it.

It turns out that although Buttony is a relatively easy knit, the pattern is a bit confusing especially if it's a first sweater (better wait 'til I have Mom there to help!).
Not much was said about Basic Black, which doesn't really matter, as that was my least favorite of the trio--it's a little too feminine (I want my first sweater to be something that I wear ALL THE TIME, and something that's really comfy that I can feel comfortable in).
However, I got a lot of input on the Sesame pattern, which is good, because that was my first choice anyway. A bunch of people said that it was an easy knit, that the pattern was clear, and that they were working on theirs or had already made one! In fact, the only negative comment that I got about it was the insane amounts of boring stockinette stitch (which I don't mind that much, because I can multi-task better without having to pay attention to my knitting ;-p).
One user even asked me to put up pictures as soon as I began!

So, I think the general poll of the Knitting! community was that I should totally make Sesame...

The next thing I needed to decide was what yarn to use.
I have been looking on Ravelry, and a lot of people have been using Lion Brand Wool Ease and Cotton Ease. The only thing about this is that although it's not really pricey yarn, I kinda don't want to spend that much on my first ever sweater, just in case, ya know, I mess up big time or something, and don't want to frog for hours. ;-)
A few other people have been using yarn from Knitpicks--mainly Merino Style or Shine Sport. I'm not sure yet whether or not I like the shine part of the Shine Sport, although using that would be way easier cleaning-wise. However, the Merino Style needs to hand washed, which might not be easy to do at school, and it also pills. Oh, the conundrum...

The toughest part of the issue is next: What colors do I make it in?

...and I haven't even discussed buttons yet! :-x

Crafting Blog!!

Ok, so I have a few other blogs, but none that are specifically for the purpose of the crafts that I do. I guess in this blog, I'll talk mostly about knitting, but sometimes I might talk a little about spinning, beading, scrapbooking, etc.

The name:

So I thought that this would be a good name based on something my room mate said to me last night (as I was working on my latest project, a pair of Knucks):

"I think you're the only college student who procrastinates from studying by knitting!"

Fortunately, I have just recently gained access to Ravelry--which, by the way, is totally my new favorite website, and now trumps facebook as my internet time-consumer--and found the group called "College Knitters," so I could back myself up in saying that no, I'm not the only college knitter, although I probably am the only one at my University. :-(

But anyway, I've decided to make a blog about my knitting, so here it is! :-)